ORP TRACER PockeTester™ Order Code 1742
The ORP TRACER PockeTester™ designed for pool professionals to measure from -999 to 999 mV with an accuracy of +/- 4 mV.
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The ORP TRACER PockeTester™ designed for pool professionals to measure from -999 to 999 mV with an accuracy of +/- 4 mV.
pH (Phenol Red) TesTabs®
Contains 10 stock solutions of macronutrients and trace elements; sufficient to prepare five liters of each mixture. Includes Plant Nutrition Studies handbook.
The DL-51 Dipcell Test Kit includes enough reagents for 144 tests for Free Chlorine, Total Chlorine, and pH. Kits have drop count tests for Alkalinity, Hardness, Acid and Base Demand. The DL-51 has the added test of Cyanuric Acid for outdoor pools. A free handbook is also included.
Monitors 3 different variables vital to swimming pool health: pH, Chlorine and Alkalinity.
Monitor 5 different variables vital to swimming pool health: pH, Hardness, Total Chlorine, Free Chlorine/Bromine, Total Alkalinity.
The 3 Pad Pool test strip monitors 3 different variables vital to swimming pool health: pH, Bromine, and Alkalinity. The pH pad detects a range of 6.8 to 8.0, while the Alkalinity pad is calibrated at 0, 1, 40, 80, 150, and 200ppm.
The electronic Salt TRACER PockeTester™ measures the Sodium Chloride level in salt water pools with a range from 0 to 9,999 ppm. TDS is measured from 0 to 9,999 ppm and Temperature from 32.0° to 149°F.
This kit is supplied complete with labware, accessories, sampling bottles, and reagents for 50 tests of 9 important factors most critical for the salt water agriculturist.
The compact SMART® 3 Colorimeter is ideal for water analysis in the field or in the lab. Easy to use software allows the analyst to choose a test factor from over 80 pre-programmed calibrations for LaMotte reagent systems.